We are a youth leadership development and advocacy organization founded upon the idea that youth leadership development is the most efficient and sustainable way to develop the world. We believe that development starts with young people and is accelerated when young people harness their leadership capabilities. We work towards bringing young people together by stimulating and encouraging peer to peer leadership development as well as assisting young people in building constructive interactions and networks.
Youth leadership development and advocacy are our core business and our leadership development tools are holistic with an evolving construct that is shaped by the young people we work with. At WELEAD young leaders are developed by other young people through a series of creative engagements and facilitation that precipitates a leadership expression that enables young people to positively impact the world. Our leadership development style is pragmatic, participatory and contextually relevant. This is because in our leadership development methods, we major in creating real-life simulations of situations where great demonstrations of leadership capabilities are required to bring out sustainable solutions to community problems. Thus, practical and hands-on leadership training is used to complement and reinforce the theoretical.
We value all youth and take a special interest in the leadership development of young people in vulnerable situations. Young women, youth with disabilities and minority youth among other groups, have a crucial part in the evolving story of WELEAD. Our overall mandate is to work with young people in creating world societies where youth become truly active and represented by youth in decision-making, governance, development and leadership in all aspects of life. Our youth advocacy work complements our youth leadership development work by allowing the young people to lead in the process of how they want to lead and be represented.
Developing an organization that is committed to bringing youth together to co-create a safe space for youth leadership development.
Developing the world through developing one youth leader at a time.
We lead everywhere!
26 Colchester Road, Avonlea,
Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 8644 296762