The trained group in Mutoko included young people from various denominations, and the majority of them were pleased to learn that a constitution is a living document.

Zimbabwe: The WELEAD team provided constitutional education training to 40 youth at the Mutoko Center on Friday, June 17, 2022, and these 40 were then deployed to the streets of Mutoko to distribute 400 constitutional awareness flyers.
The WELEAD team works with OSISA to eradicate constitutional illiteracy among youth in Zimbabwe.
The Know the Constitution Campaign was developed after a series of publications and reports showed that youth participation in Zimbabwe is generally low, with a key problem being a lack of understanding of their rights and responsibilities.
Young women in Mutoko explained that cultural beliefs make it difficult to participate in all aspects of life and that women’s social responsibility is in itself a burden and prevents them from participating.
“Some of the participants testified that they had no idea that participation in all areas and fair representation is a right guaranteed under Zimbabwe’s constitution, Section 20,” said Maybe Gave, a WELEADER.
The Mutoko-trained group included young people from various faiths, and most of them were delighted to learn that a constitution is a living document that governs every individual in Zimbabwe, not a politically oriented text.
The WELEAD team taught the youth the importance of understanding the Constitution and where to obtain copies. During the training, Sections 20 and 7 received the most attention.
Original article: WELEAD Team trains 40 young people on constitution literacy in Mutoko